Hahobas History | Early Camp History

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Early Camp History - Hahobas History - Camp Hahobas

Camp Hahobas History

In the 1930's, the Hood Canal camping area was known as Camp Hahobas. Scouts attending Camp Hahobas were transported by the Sea Scout cruiser Occult. The cruiser departed from the Municipal dock for the 125-mile water journey to Camp Hahobas. This voyage required some 10 to 11-hours sailing time. Other Scouts not being able to make the long journey met other Sea Scout ships at Hood Canal and were transported across the canal to the beach camp.

Camp Hahobas had grown to nearly 400 acres by 1939 and by the end of 1940 was 520 acres. All camping was on the beach property, with hikes and daytime activities making use of the upper areas of the reservation.

The year of 1949 marked the, ''On Top'' camping experience. A rough-cut road from the beach extended to the top of the hill. Camping was moved to the present area known as Camp Tw... Read More

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